Landeater Ltd is a company set up to oversee business opportunities including managing the use of Te Taumata on behalf of Ngati Kere hapuu and the local Pōrangahau community.


 Our role is:

  • To protect the integrity of The Longest Place Name
  • To manage and care for the site of Te Taumata
  • To uphold the mana of our tupuna Tamatea Pōkai Whenua
  • To operate a sustainable Tikanga Māori eco-cultural business
  • To inspire whānau & local opportunities
  • To support our Rongomaraeroa marae

P.O. Box 7, Porangahau 4245

510 Wimbledon Rd
Pōrangahau 4292
Central Hawke’s Bay
New Zealand

Our social media
Please click any of the following to visit our social  media platforms.